
Author Website TIps

Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash

Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash

Poets and writers are always looking for a way to “pop” and appear vivid against the blah backdrop of the internet. Creatives are attention whores – me included - and the only way to make an impression and find greater success is to stand out.

As part of my endless/obsessive pursuit of improvement, I discovered this new-ish article by Robert Lee Brewer about “five things author websites need to find more success.” There are some solid takeaways that both experienced and novice writers with websites can put into practice and find results. Enjoy.


Spark: Sound Advice for Author Websites

This brilliant and concise article by Jane Friedman provides authors, whether they have a book published or not, with wonderful guidelines for putting together an author website.

Some of the advice she has written here I already have put into practice, but I see many other suggestions that I need to consider for the future. As Ms. Friedman states, “Your website is never finished.”

Check out the link below if you are considering building a website from scratch or improving the web presence you currently have.

Destroy and Rebuild.

“404 – Page Not Found”

“This page can’t be displayed”

While clicking some links on my oft-neglected Published Works and Links pages, the above messages were frequently encountered. I was saddened to discover my modest writing career has outlived several awesome journals, both online and print, and some contests that I once participated in.

I had many dead links, which isn’t effective in increasing the visibility of my writing. Therefore, I took some time to clean up the mess on these two pages and add some new links that connect to my recent work. Not a lot of glamor in that task, but it was necessary labor.


It's a blog that occasionally rises out of the silent mist then vanishes into the vapor again. Or maybe it's the blogger himself who's pops up, then disappears for an eternity. Perhaps I am secretly the subject of folklore. Sigh – there really is no really mythical reason to why I’ve been gone. My internet and router were ackinafool for awhile, but that all has been fixed. Therefore I’ll be back posting soon – I have some interesting news and notes, but I want to spread it out instead of committing an info dump. Be good, and I’ll be back soon to blab about my recent poetry contest win and some upcoming publications and other random thoughts.